No more clubbing...

No more clubbing for the time being... A little bit sick of it d.... The music is always similar... How I wish we could have a kpop themed club... Thn i'm sure it would be very nice!!!

Some notes to myself though... Don simply drink drinks that are given by strangers.... Must wear pants to clubbing because a lot of guys have a pair of hamsap hands and will grope here n there while u sedang shiok dancing...ish~~ Fuck thm!!!! Must give a very cold face when iritating guys try to pick u up...Dont simply take pics with strangers... Dont simply give contact numbers... Don simply follow ppl for supper...Don simply let ppl bring u home....

Urrghhh... really abit sien of clubbing....thy ought to change new songs d...getting more n more boring with the same old remixes...sigh....

Am so sick~

Am so sick of people asking me some questions lately... I know many people are really concerned bout me and wanna know how and what i have been doing but i'm seriously getting sick of answering those questions. Actually i'm already in dillemma about what to do next after graduating and constantly worried about finding the right job or right path. And people asking me all those quests like "Have you found a job?", "Why don't u further your studies?", "Why don't you work elsewhere with higher pay?", "Why not go for some grad trips?" etc etc etc etc... are not going to help seriously!!!!.... They only add in stress and dillemma to my everyday lives...

I really wish i could have a super powerful microphone so that i could announce to everybody that in the world all at once so i do not need to repeat and repeat again....

I really hate when people ask me why i work under my prof where the pay is lower compared to other places.... Well...i know the pay is lower, but i really need this job to apply for PR and since he already offered to me, i think at this moment i should just accept it first. It is not tt ez to look for a job now moreover i'm not a PR. I feel that however shitty this job is, as long as i could get an employment pass to apply for PR i will still work for it. I really hate those people who offer suggestions like why not apply for this, why not apply for that, why not get a better pay job, etc etc etc.... Hello excuse me... All those that you are suggesting are 'maybe' solutions... it means maybe if i'm lucky, i will find some dream job with some dream salary...but if i'm unlucky i might be unemployed for months... So i think why not accept something that is concrete 1st? Something that has been offered to me already... at least for the next 1 year i know that i still have income... Next time if i wish to switch to other lab at least i could fill in in my profile that i have 2 years of exerience already... And i need to be in favor with my Prof so that he could be my referee...

The next most annoying question is like why i do not want to go for grad trips?.... Sure i would like to go for grad trips... But right now i'm really broke... I have zero income... And i really do not want to spend my parents money to travel. Then the other question will be targeted to me like why not go to somewhere cheap like thailand or cambodia or indonesia?.... Well... let me tell you honestly... I really hate tropical countries especially those that are underdeveloped. Maybe many people feel that it is adventurous to go such countries but for me hell no!!! I dread the hot weather (it's like now Malaysia and Singapore are not hot enuf!!!), I dread the dirty environment, I hate the dirty food, I hate the dirty water etc etc etc... I feel that if i want to travel i want to relax... I want to breathe in cool nice air... I want to have clean food... Clean water to drink... Nice sceneries... I mean, for me, the whole idea of travelling is to let myself enjoy and relax and not to let myself feeling disgusted at all the basic neccesities. And i guess the nearest countries that have all these nice environment and food are countries like China, Taiwan, Korea etc... And all these countries need at least S$1000 to travel... Hello...that's hell lotsa money for an unemployed like me... I would rather work 1st to save up money and travel at ease...

Anyway...i don't want to think about all these stupid questions anymore...Right now i just wanna enjoy.. BTW...going clubbing with frens let's not let these spoil my mood...wuakkakaka.... IT'S TIME TO PARTEHHHHHH~~~~

Looking forward to a new beginning

WOHOO!!!.....finally i've submitted my thesis and done with my FYP!!!!.... I'm soooooooooo happy....i really can't describe my's like everything i've worked for for the past 4 years of undergraduate study is summarized in a 40 pages thesis and that's it!!!! I'm free from Uni life!!!!!....

Actually many people said their Uni life is the best and many sweet memories were created then. I kinda envy them cos i think my Uni life is really boring. I'm not very active in school. And i think the only event that i joined when i was in Uni was NUS's Open House in my 2nd year. Lucky I have FM to accompany for the event if not i think i will die of boredom working as an usher... I was constantly trying to meet deadlines of assignments and stressed for tests, exams, etc.. And the most agonizing thing is that i keep restricting myself from doing things that i like due to my very very limited financial condition. My parents fully supported me through my Uni life and i feel i should at least keep my spending to a minimum.

Sometimes i really feel insecure when i thought i'm fully dependent on my parents' support financially. I really feel guilty for using their money whenever i'm spending. And this is the biggest factor that i feel really happy and relieved to leave my Uni life and into the working life. Although i know there would be even more challenges for me in the future when i'm working, but at least, i would be independent and have full control of my financial status.

I really love the feeling of having freedom and control of my own life. Now i don't need to report to anyone about who i'm hanging out with, where i'm going, what i'm doing etc etc to anyone like i used to when i was still in school. I'm truly an adult now. You may say we are already an adult after 21 years old but to me, it wasn't really so because i was still in Uni, using my parents' money and i feel i have the obligation of working hard on my studies for them. Finally finally finally, after 4 years of studies i can be freed for all of these obligations and have the freedom to think for myself....

And i'm proud to say I LOVE NIGHTLIFE!!!! I LOVE URBAN LIFE!!!!....Therefore i really LOVE SINGAPORE!!!! Singapore really has got great nightlife (compared to JB...never explored other cities' nightlife...prolly KL even better....i don't know) and it's so safe to walk alone at night. I really feel secured. There are still so many places i have yet to explore in Singapore due to time constraint. So.....during my holiday after gradute, i must really explore then and merayau-rayau...muahahahaha....

I kept reminiscing my previous clubbing experience with FM and WJ....They are super fun and sporty!!!! I LOVE THEM....Especially and her shared alot of similarities in our way of thinking and we immediately clicked when i first met her few years ago. However due to the difference in our choice of subjects and papers, we missed 2 years of bonding...We eventually drifted apart with different group of friends. This year, we finally took the same module and worked in the same bench in lab.... We immediately hit it off with each other just like we have never missed those 2 years of bonding. Last thurday we decided to go clubbing to celebrate our thesis submission. She, like me, loves to club and play and enjoy nightlife but, like me again, keeps suppressing her exploding wild nature due to financial constraint. Finally......last thurday, we have the chance to release those feelings in club!!!!! We dance like there would be no tomorrow and don't care what's happening around and keep dancing the night away.....WOOOHHHH!!!!..... SO SO SO FUN!!!!!....... I have finally found my ultimate CLUBBING KAKI!!!!!.....

I love the club as well...the music quite nice and there's a super hot in-house DJ with his super hot remix and the crowd is relatively young. Their drinks not bad too...I remembered i went to The Arena before and their drinks suck like hell...

hehehehhee......i'm so happy and excited cos we immediately scheduled for our next night out after our last paper...... This is truly my new beginning..... It may sound cheesy but my life has just begun....

Damn sien~

yor....these 2 days damn sien lor.....lab results turn out weird!!!!...not consistent at all...wasted my 2 days effort...WHAT IS WRONG????? yor.....think about it oredi feel half dead...super over sien...

Hai...sumtimes i really feel i'm not suitable for research jobs...i'm not organised enuf and i cannot manage my time wisely...everything added bit by bit comes to a conclusion saying tt i'm not suitable for this line of job....huhu~~~~~ feel really demoralised these few days....not interested in anything at all...feel down all the time...hope this period would come to an end SOON!!!!

Sometimes i feel really bad cos prof is super nice to us...feel i let him down because my experiments are all in the mess....yet he trusted us alot..but the moment i wan to do more things the more my experiments turn out weird!!!!...really kanina....huhu~~~~i really wish i got the brain to do research lor...

eiyer...the more i think about all of these the sadder i become...hai...k lar...dun think so much...go watch ss501 videos 1st...hahhhahahhaha.....


Today so sien...never go out or anything...just guai guai stayed at home...Watched loads of videos including my goddess michelle phan's video and ss501's until eyes can pop out liaw...

To rest my eyes a little while i decided to clean my room and wash the toilet...My room was not very dirty since i cleaned it not so long ago...hahahaha... See...i'm working hard to fulfil my new year resolution... But... i was in hell once i stepped into the toilet...over over dirty...can tehen... The wall is full of fungus....over geli lor.....i see liaw really feel like muntah...yucks... So i decide to scrub the wall before the fungus become over jia lat...I also scrubbed the floor and the sink cos thy have stain all over...

Wohooo....after washing the toilet and my room i feel so shiok and soooo satisfied!!! Now my room and toilet are both sparkling clean!!!! Wuhoo....feel over shiok...can you imagine a place that is over dirty but transformed into clean and sparkling room under your hands!!! Feel over shiok lor....hahhaaha...

But after shiok now over tired..hahah....dun even feel like walking around...butt over here am i blogging and watching more videos until eyes lagi over pop out...Kula whole day at home until i can join the kula in the toilet liaw....can tehen...


OMG!!! SS501 is back!!!!!.....Hyun Joong and Jung Min is finally back to rejoin SS501!!! Everyone except Jung Min is sooooo hansom...I don't like Jung Min cos he makes me think of Jason and coincidentally his nickname is also horse... -_-"'.....

Last time i used to dislike Yeong Saeng also cos he was so fat....But in their latest album he successfully shed off all that fat!!! he no more burger face liaw!!!! Then i find him quite sexy shuai....Hyung Joon and Hyun Joong both no need to say lar...lagi memang over shuai...wuhooo!!!>..

I'm currently addicted to 2 of their songs..."Love like this" and "Wuss up"... "Wuss up" is Kyu Jong's solo and i love it sooooo muchhhhh....feel like go club again..wuhuhuhuhuh.....

Few hours ago i just watched a korean variety and Kyu Jong is soooo cute and sexy!!! He could dance quite well also.....if go club with him i sure will melt lor!!!!so cute lar he...wuwuuww...

I LOVE SS501!!!!!!!

My current thoughts.....

Woooohooo~~~~ Finally it's friday!!!!....i've been waiting for this day for ages!!!....finally i get to rest from this hectic week....i wanna chill chill chill this weekend!!!!

I think i'm really weird because i enjoy to be bz in lab...i feel very energetic and excited when i get to work alot in lab...i feel really happy if i could fully utilize my time...i really like the feeling of not wasting any time...Once I have done what I need to do in lab i would really have a great deal of satisfaction...I feel i have done alot of things in a day and after work i would feel soooo relax and happy that i would want to celebrate or pamper myself for doing such a great job...That is when i'm appreciating alot on my free time and find free time exceptionally precious to me...

I think life is more interesting with details like that...because of when you bz you find free time precious and not take it for granted....because of when you are sad in some times, you find happiness exceptionally meaningful and not take it for granted...because you may be having some challenges at work, you will find the solution to it exceptionally satisfying and not take it for granted...because of some stupid people who always make you angry, you will be more appreciative of friends who could bring happiness to you.....

So whenever you feel down or depress or when you are facing challenges in life, think of these and you will find life is so much more interesting than you think and that you could make your life easier and more satisfying........So cheer up my friends~~